Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Survey Says….

Thank you to everyone who filled out the survey in regards to other forms of social media you would like us to use to keep you updated. Instagram was the most popular. A notice will be sent home tomorrow to explain and help you out in the signing up process.
For all you KL parent "grammers" out there, follow on instagram at ekkindergartenkids

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Don't forget! Tomorrow, 10/15 is parent/teacher conferences.

Please remember the following:

1. Bring your completed goal setting sheet

2. Make sure you have the correct dismissal procedure at 1pm for your child. Please check the class sheet in the FROG book; at the bottom you will find options for PICK UP, BUS, AFTER CARE; please check the box that is accurate!

3. Please be mindful that these conferences are only 15 minutes and that it is a goal setting conference.

4. We will cover: goal setting, screening results, literacy assessments and math assessments.

…Looking forward to sharing your child's growth with you!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Our workshop is off to a great start this week :)
Today, we viewed a slideshow of pictures I put together from our trip to Applecrest…this was a way to  refresh our brains from the long weekend!

The kindies were SO amazed to seem themselves on "the big screen". I talked throughout the slideshow about each picture and asked the kindies if they remembered what was happening in that small moment. Then, we turned and talked about what happened during the field trip from start to finish..."Writers write stories with a beginning, middle, and end." This will be our next teaching point tomorrow during the mini-lesson….stay tuned!

Can you guess which part of the story this is?

Monday, October 13, 2014

Apples, apples, and pumpkins too at Applecrest Farm

We had such a BLAST on our first field trip to Applecrest Farm. This was a wonderful experience and served as a great "mid-way" point for our apples unit. This apple field trip will also help us in crafting our "apple crest field trip" book during writer's workshop. Take a look at the following with your kindie…..

First, we took the bus there! It was a short, yet bumpy ride!
Then, we were greeted by our awesome tour guide, Pam. Guess what? She used to be a kindergarten teacher!

 We were off on our journey to go see how apples are pressed to make cider, sauce, jelly, and apple juice!
 We all watched as the apples came down the big pipe and how cider was made! How?

 Ask your kindie what is housed in that big white container.

 Then, it was on to exploring where the extra apples are stored...

Ask your kindie what the temperature was like in here….hot? cold? cool? chilly? freezing?

Here are the apples taking a bath! After they are all cleaned,
they are sorted into small, medium, large. (just like what we talked about in math!)

See how they all come down the belt?

We learned some more about apples and stopped to take
pictures along the way...

We were then off to explore the bee station. How does a bee
help the apple tree?

We learned so much about apples, apple trees, blossoms, bees, and even saw pictures and labels!

Then…it was on to apple picking! Take a look..


It was then off to the pumpkin patch. We were able to pick our pumpkins right off the vines!!


Last, we took a hayride with Farmer Bill to our picnic lunch where we first had apple cider and apple sugar donuts. Mmmmmm mmmm, were they GREAT!

Thank you to everyone who came to chaperone and help out. We had such a wonderful time! Ask your kindie what their favorite part was about the field trip.

Way up high in the apple tree
two little apples smiled at me
I shook that tree as hard as I could
and down fell the apples…
mmmm were they good!