Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Morning Centers

Here is a look at our morning centers from this week. We love centers because they give us 15 minutes to play with our friends and get our brains ready for the day! Our voices get heard and our stories get told… know! The ones that we just CAN'T wait and tell our friends and teachers ;) The different groups are changed weekly so we get a chance to interact with other friends.

Play-Doh to get our hands ready!

Roll & Build to get our math brains ready!

Word Family Work to reinforce the old "at family"

  Blocks for pretend play with animals

….Ask us which center is our favorite and why :)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Yet….another snow day for EKES!

Hello everyone :) I hope you are all staying warm and are able to get outside and PLAY with your kindie today! What an unexpected snow day. As I sit and blog from home….I wanted to update you on a few things.

First, the note I sent home yesterday in the FROG book is all about our 100th Day of Kindergarten! Yahoo! :) Now that we have had another snow day…and maybe one more on Monday…we are going to re-schedule 100's day. I am talking with the K-team to decide which date makes the most sense….We are leaning toward Friday, 2/13. Yes that is our Valentine's Day party but why not make it 100's day too? After all, we don't call Friday "fun filled Friday" for nothing! :) An email or note will be sent home to confirm once Monday comes around.

The only thing you can do to help prepare your kiddo for 100's day is to collect 100 things! Counting to 100 is one of our goals in K, so make it fun for your child and count out 100 (manageable) items that they can bring and share during circle. In the past, kids have brought in 100 stickers, 100 erasers, 100 paper clips, 100 pom poms, even 100 grapes! Have fun with this :)

Our Valentine's Day party will be starting at 12:45 that afternoon. Kids will be decorating a V-day bag for a craft and then we will all help to hand out and exchange Valentines. Thank you ALL for signing up on sign-up genius!!!!

The sneak peak of the week will be sent home tomorrow, Friday. Enjoy your day everyone!