Monday, July 28, 2014

……of Kindergarten
  • Kindergarten Orientation Night for Parents: Tuesday, 8/19/14 @6:00pm

Parents are invited to come to our school and meet both of the kindergarten teachers. We will have an introduction to our program and tell you all about what to expect the first week of school. This is the time where parents will be able to schedule a screening time.

  • "Meet and Greet": Friday, 8/22/14 (time TBA)

Come with your child to see our classroom and spend time with their teacher and new friends. This is designed as an open house for you to come for a few minutes any time during the hour. This is also a time when you can drop off any classroom supplies. Hopefully this will help ease the first day jitters for you and your child!

  • Kindergarten Screening: Monday, 8/25/14 and Tuesday, 8/26/14 By Appointment Only

The screening will take approximately one hour and will be held in our classroom. Parents are asked to drop their child off in the school lobby where a teacher will greet him/her. It is a basic skills inventory to help us plan to meet all students needs at the beginning of the year. Parents may stay in the lobby or leave, but will need to fill out a questionnaire.

  • First Day of Kindergarten: Wednesday, 8/27/14

On the first day of school we meet outside on the pavement to the side of the school. If your child takes the bus to school, the teachers will get on the bus and take your child to our class line. If you will be dropping your child off at school, bring your child to their teacher outside in line. We will then have an all school meeting and begin our day. Prepare your child to say good-bye to you outside.

  • Our Day:

Our kindergarten day begins at 8:30am and ends at 1:30pm. Students can ride the bus to school, but there is no bus to take them home. Parents need to pick up students at 1:30pm in the school lobby. You can find your child's bus schedule on the district website:

Kindergarten will be dismissed at 1:30pm. Please come in to our school lobby and wait for our K line to walk down. Teachers will dismiss children one by one. Other classrooms and the school office will still be working at this time, so I ask you to be mindful of them.

Lunch and Snack:
Your child can bring a lunch from home or purchase hot lunch. Menu and payment information will be sent home to you in the EKES Weekly. Milk can be purchased separately from hot lunch for those bringing lunch but wanting milk. Please send a healthy snack each day, as well. Our snack time is meant to be a quick energy boost. One drink and one snack will be suffice.

Chessie Leone
Kindergarten Teacher
East Kingston Elementary School

Contact Information
School Phone: (603) 642 - 3511 Extension 23
School Fax: (603) 642 - 6338


School Website:
Class Website:

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