Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Names, names names!

We are working so hard on building and writing our names. Below, you can see how we trace it, stamp it, and write it all on our own! We continue to practice the letters in our name, writing them left to right, and making sure we only have 1 capital letter and the rest lowercase.
"Name Pass" is a super fun game the kids loved to play! In a sandwich bag, I put a picture of the kindie along with their name tag, and cut up letters in their name. Their job was to build their name with the correct letters in the correct order. Once they built it, they put everything back in the baggy and they passed to the person next to them. This was such a fun way to recognize letters and try and build our friends' names.
(For privacy reasons, I could not post pictures of this activity. Email me and I would be glad to send one your way!)

"Count and Color" is another table time activity. The kindies traced and wrote their first name, counted their letters, and then graphed the number. We repeated the same activity with our last names too!

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