Sunday, September 28, 2014

School Rules

We have talked about our class promise, but we all agreed that we needed a little reminder of our school rules. Our 4 B's are very important to East Kingston as a whole. Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Peaceful. We talked all about our school rules, gave examples, and talked about how we could follow through with our school rules in the classroom. We felt the examples below are the most important:

Be safe - have a safe body
Be respectful - use kind words when speaking to others
Be responsible - do quality work and try things for yourself
Be peaceful - treat others the way you want to be treated.
Once we all understood our school rules, we all pledged that we would follow them so that we have a happy kindergarten classroom. Every kindie and teacher pledged and signed the rules. They are now posted in our classroom for a daily reminder. Ask your kindie how they follow our school rules.

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