We have been super busy exploring math manipulatives. We just learned and reviewed 6 different shapes: hexagon, triangle, rhombus, diamond, trapezoid, and square. We worked in pairs to explore our shapes by looking at the different attributes each one has. Ask your kindie how many sides a hexagon has.

We held up each shape and traced our fingers along the side to count how many there are. Ask your kindie what a trapezoid looks like. After we explored and discussed each shape, we played the shape game. One friend was in the middle of the circle covering their shape and the rest of us marched around in a circle singing a 1-10 numeral song. Once a friend guessed what the correct shape was, the game started again with a new friend in the center. Ask your kindie to play the "blast off" game with you at home. What a great way to count backwards from 10!
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