Wednesday, September 24, 2014

What does it mean to be a writer?

We are off to a great start with our writing, however, I need YOUR help! Tomorrow I will be talking to the kids about "what it means to be a writer". We will be revisiting the idea that "writing is just talking on paper" and that every one of us is an author. We can ALL write stories just like the ones we read at school and at home. We will be talking about how in order to write a TRUE or real story, writers think of something that we do, get a picture in our mind, and we draw the story of what we did on paper. Then, we write the story! So…..your kindie will be hearing/saying, "We THINK, we DRAW, we WRITE". Please encourage this at home! Our job as a writer is to "think, draw, and write" every day during our writer's workshop. If a child says, "I'm done" I will be saying this phrase…"If you think you're done, you've just begun!" The kindies job is to keep working on their writing for the whole time during our workshop. We will independently write for 3 minutes tomorrow, and then 5 minutes the next day. As the time increases, that shows how our stamina is building. I really want us to work on being independent….even if it just for 3 minutes to start! So, with all that being said….we will be launching our "small moment" unit of writing very shortly! What's a small moment story? It's thinking of a small moment in our lives and we stretch it out. We include small details that make our story come to life! Now, for some of us, writing a story can be intimidating and overwhelming. With your help, I hope to wipe all these "worries" away for your child. I am asking that you take the time to look around your house/print out photos which will help us tell our stories.

Want some ideas for small moment stories? Family vacations, camping trips, fishing with dad, shopping with mom, playing with pets, a picture at the beach, building a sandcastle, playing in the waves, a family birthday party, etc. These are just a few topics we could write about! Here are a few of my pictures for small moment writing….

Please look around your house for pictures that tell a story. Please send them into school in your kiddo's FROG book. If you are unable to print pictures, please let me know and I will make other arrangements.

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