We all know that apples are healthy. We know apples are good for you to eat. What else do we know about apples? Take a peek….
Our first science unit is apples! We will be discussing the parts of an apple, investigating and describing apples and we will even learn the life cycle of an apple. The kids are so excited about this unit! To launch this apple theme, I asked everyone what they already KNOW about apples. We had lots of great thoughts! There was a common theme about apples……."They're so juicy!" "I wish I could eat one right now!" "I love the red ones!"
Sooooooo, on the second day of our theme, I thought it would be fun and interesting to become scientists by observing 3 different kinds of apples, performing an apple taste test, and graphing our results! It was so exciting for the kids to see how we can incorporate science, reading, AND math all into one block!
We began by talking about the word "describe" and what it means. We all had a lot of great ideas. We came up with this definition - "describe means telling another person what something looks like". I explained to the kids that scientists "describe" things by using something called their 5 senses (this will be another science unit later in the year). As scientists, our job was to describe 3 different apples - McIntosh, Granny Smith and Golden Delicious - using our sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing.

we HEAR crunching
we SEE green, yellow, red, white little dots
we TOUCH thick/flat/smooth skin, wet flesh,
we TASTE sour, juicy, crispy
Based on the pictures, can you tell which of our senses we are using? Can you also tell from our expression which apples we liked/did not like? Look at all the descriptions we came up with for the different types of apples!!!
To wrap up and incorporate math into this activity, we then voted for our favorite apple..
Counted how many names there were...
Wrote the number…
….and added the tally marks to match!
Ask your kindie which apple they liked the best. Ask them what the Granny Smith apple tasted like….
We are so excited about this unit already! Don't forget about our field trip to Applecrest on Oct. 9th!! See you there :)
I agree with everything you’ve said, ‘pobod’ grin What you’re doing at your wife’s school is sensible. If schools had these same rules, I wouldn’t mind children taking their electronic toys to school.