Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Run, run, as fast as you can. You can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man! We have been having so much fun with our gingerbread literacy unit! We have read many different versions. It has given us the opportunity to compare and contrast texts. We learned that the characters are the WHO of a story and the setting is the WHERE.  We identify the characters and settings and compare the different versions. We make predictions about wether or not the gingerbread boy or man - or even GIRL will get away at the end. We made gingerbread ornaments and our own gingerbread class book. When you read at home ask your child about the characters and setting of the story. Here our some of the versions we have read so far. Next week we will branch out and read The Runaway Rice Cake and Stop That Pickle!
Here are MANY of the books we have read...


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