KL has been working so hard during their math time. I introduced a super fun game to the kiddos called "Monster Squeeze" where they learned what a "number line" is. One friend thinks of a number 0-10, and the other friends have to guess what the number is. The friend that thinks of the number has to respond with "my number is bigger" or "my number is smaller". This game reinforces least-greatest, largest-smallest, recognition of numbers, and ordering of numbers. You can easily create this game at home! All you have to do is create a number line, and tape some cut out monsters onto popsicle sticks….give it a try!
We have also explored using calculators. The kids were SO excited to use these tool! We explored the ON/C button, the OFF button, and we also discussed how the numbers on a calculator are NOT in order! Play a game with your child using a calculator. Clap or stomp an amount of times and have them type in the number they hear.

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